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公司名称: Green Color International Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 1988 
注册资金: 大于1亿 
员工数量: 501 - 1000 人 
年销售额: 大于1亿 
主要产品: paper boxes, gift boxes, labels,books, paper bags  
公司简介: Foshan Green Color print Co., Ltd if formerly known as Foshan Ming Hua Printing Factory established in 1998 from a humble starting from business card printing,envelope and table *域名隐藏* over a decade of business a decade of business development, the company changed its name to Foshan Ming Hua Printing Co,. Ltd in 2000 in order to meet the increasing demand of the market .The company has better print and other advanced print products, such as calendar. "Quality is our job, customer is our god" to do every product in factory. Our customer base has increased steadily with confidence. In order to satisfy the customers needs and to meet the market's demands, Ming Hua increased its investment in 2002 and purchased a large piece of industrial land located at Guang Long lndustrial Park, Cheng Chun Township, Shuide District of Foshan City .With new office building factory facility with the latest machinery and entertainment facilities for staff, Foshan Green Color print Co., Ltd is accordingly established.
Green Color International Co.,Ltd / 广东 / 广东省佛山市顺德区陈村镇顺联机械城18座3层写字楼 (52831) / 电话:0757-29868459

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